Ageing & Sexing Techniques & Terminology

Numeric & Alpha Age Codes

WRP Age Codes

Age categorization in North America is classified using the calendar year because most species adhere to specific breeding seasons typically occurring in the spring and summer.

Things get more complicated for tropical landbirds with variable nesting seasonality and a new cycle based system to categorize bird age based on molt and plumage cycles has been developed. Called Wolfe, Ryder Pyle or the WRP system.

The following slides provide a full explanation of the WRP codes and how they are used in conjunction with the alpha age codes generally used in North America.

At this time VARC continues to use the calendar year age categorization codes with those explanatory timelines provided below. 

Numeric & Alpha Sex Codes

Sexing by Wing Chord (Selected Species)

Species Alpha Codes & Band Sizes

Time Line for Ageing


Feathers & Wing Morphology

Feather Shape & Wear

Fat Scores

Skull Scores

Breeding Characteristics

Cloacal Protuberance

Brood Patch



Click on link below to access the glossary of terms used